Oh, the Freya Faye. Quite possibly the strangest bra experience I’ve ever had. Before you decide I’m about to start a rant about the Faye, I’ll let you know I’m not. Because after trying the Faye, I also tried several other Freyas (that experience summed up in Freya (and I mean ALL of them) Does […]
Review: Freya (and I mean ALL of them) Does Not Fit Me.

Two weeks off from blogging and ironically, this is what I choose to write about, first…. I’ve been out and about and trying on bras…and sadly come to the conclusion that an entire brand of bras that could theoretically fit me …don’t. And won’t. Ever. Here’s the sad history of what I tried (and cried […]
Review: Freya Gem Half Cup AA1363

I was reviewing my bra shopping notes, and discovered I forgot to mention the Freya Gem Half Cup. I found the Gem at Dillard’s – so I was unable to try the FF cup (which is generally my Freya size), so I tried the Gem in a 38 E, F, G. The Gem is very […]
Swimwear 2013

I thought, after figuring out that I need bra-sized swimwear, that the shopping process would be easier. Alas, it isn’t so. I’ve tried three swimsuits this year – and have two more on order. And it’s 95 degrees outside and I’m more than a little antsy and I want to swim! Whine over. Here’s a […]
Review: Freya Moulded Deco Plunge AA4234

I must admit a soft spot for the Freya Deco. It was my first wired bra (that I wore for more than an hour). I’ve owned and worn the Deco in a 38F and 36FF. The 38F was my first wired bra in my “correct” size, and the 36FF was my first bra after I’d […]